We are taking over….
So , what is a tap takeover?
A tap takeover is when a brewery is invited by a pub or micropub to sell only their beers for a period of time. This could be one evening, three evenings or in our recent case A WEEK!!!
From March 30th – 3rd April, the only option was Pinkers at the Fallen Tree Micropub in Clevedon North Somerset, and what a fantastic time we had! The theme was Wear Pink and Drink Pink which seemed the perfect opportunity to also raise money for a breast cancer charity. On the launch night we raised nearly £400 with T-shirts and glass donations from ourselves and the pub also donated a pitcher of ales (5 pint jug) for the raffle, we were delighted that most beers sold out on the first few nights….what a great result!!

With six different beers on over eight casks there was plenty to choose from and certainly no shy takers of the new Monster Mash IPA that we launched at the pub on the Friday night…. a 4.7% hoppy ale with after notes of grapefruit which definitely went down well.
The Fallen Tree Micropub is a little gem, stocking local beers from around the southwest with new beers every week so you definitely won’t get bored. It has a wonderful community spirit and we liken it to the famous bar in the TV series “Cheers” where everybody knows your name … Now don’t get me wrong, you wont be greeted by Ted Danson but you will be looked after by Pete the landlord and owner who is a lovely friendly guy who will make you feel welcome and help you with your choice of beer selection- he may even tempt you with a “Snackarama” (See below picture top right)..A round serving bowl with a choice of snacky delights… it’s quite the pub favourite and only a fiver.
So if you find yourself in Hill Road in Clevedon and want a drink to wet your whistle, pop into The Fallen tree and tell them Pinkers sent you, and you’ll enjoy a lovely swift pint – or even better a fantastic evening with some great people !

Stay tuned for more brew news….